
As An Introvert You May Not Be As Different As You Think!

I knew I was not the most social individual on the planet, and I absolutely despised social interaction at my past job. As a Director this lead to a very negative impression. I now realize I was not wrong, I just simply did not feel comfortable being forced to participate in these situations. Perhaps you are wondering if you are an introvert, so I have broken down the 4 different characteristics of an introvert for you.


The social introvert can handle intimate gatherings with close friends, but will shy away from the big rockin’ party and the workplace lunch, with the entire company. You prefer a small group of people and to prioritize alone time. You are not necessarily shy, but you value your time alone and are more productive this way. You also need time to re-energize and get grounded after a social interaction.


The restrained introvert Prefers to keep quiet and keeps their cards to themselves. A great listener, with a tremendous amount of value to add to any situation. If they feel comfortable enough to open up to you. This person will often come across as very guarded, but once you get to know them they are an open book. They are also the voice of reason and common sense in many situations.


Although the anxious introvert may possess a quiet strength and power, they are sincerely anxious and uncomfortable in social settings and will appear awkward or stuck-up. They will avoid social activities at all costs, even though they add a super sensitive and genuine tone to any overall social setting. The anxious introvert would much rather be behind the scenes at the work lunch handling a task, then engaging in uncomfortable small-talk.

This individual is constantly thinking, dreaming, analyzing, and hypothesizing in their mind. They may appear to be silently off in their own world. They are the quiet, incredibly, intelligent people, who are thinking so much about the topic at hand that they appear to have no idea what is being discussed. When they do speak, you are absolutely floored by their knowledge and understanding and the depth of thought that has gone into what they have to say. Introverts are some of the most sensitive and genuine, loving and caring individuals you will ever meet.

Can you identify with any of these four types of introverts? Or perhaps you have one working with you?

Submitted by:

Mel Ireton, a coach & Consultant that helps Introverted Entrepreneurs market and launch their online programs | www.iretoncoaching.com | meliretoncoaching@gmail.com.

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