
“Validation” a Game Changer?

What did I learn today as an entrepreneur?

I learned a long time ago that we are in the ‘People Validation’ business.  Recent events had me reflect on just how this knowledge is not common, nor are the benefits of operating from this perspective well known.

It does not matter what product or service you monetize on, you are in the ‘People Validation’ business.  I intentionally use the word monetize and not the word sells, and in another blog I will explain why!

I think at times we get it backward as business owners.  We think it’s “Us” that needs to be seen and heard.  Now don’t get me wrong I love a good marketing campaign!  I love businesses putting out content.  Again, note my choice of word ‘content’ – not sales pitches. 

I see content as being educational pieces, creating awareness, providing opportunities that lead to sales, sharing accolades and accomplishments, and branding one’s self as an expert – I love seeing it all.  We shine when we show up like that!  If this is how you are showing up – KUDOS!   If it is not how you are showing up, please keep reading. 

Stick with me here.

You can show up for yourself and your business and do so in a way that others will feel seen, heard, and validated.  You know those posts that share how you served another, the posts that share a pain point and how you may be able to help others, the posts that share you doing something online or in your real community – you are showing up, but others are also feeling the ‘love’, the validation.  It’s not just about you.


Recently I sent out a series of emails to a group of business owners in my circle.  Seems simple enough, doesn’t it?  44 emails in total.  44 emails sharing news and positives for the receiver and in some cases information that was requested.  All these sent emails equaled 4 replies in my inbox, validating the content I sent, and sharing how it was received.  Now, don’t get me wrong I do not need the validation, it is what it is … however, it made me pause and think about Validation.

How many emails do you receive in a day?  Newsletters?  Informational content? Opportunities for connection?  Alerts?  A few, I am sure.

Who are the folks sending emails to you?  Fellow business owners, clients, friends, or, strangers not yet friends? 

How about seeing those who are sending emails as referral partners, potential collaborators, cheerleaders, supports, encouragers, teachers, mentors, or someone who will be instrumental in your business growth – think they warrant a few seconds of your time to share a ‘Thank you’, ‘I appreciate your email’, ‘Email received and read’, ‘Appreciate your time in sending this’, or maybe, ‘Loved your point in this email’.

The ripple effect is:
#1 – they feel heard and seen – THEY FEEL VALIDATED!  The warm fuzzy!  The positive vibes! And when people feel good, they keep coming back for that feeling.

You are in the people validation business.   See that as your main role and the rest will fall into place!

Submitted By:

Cheryl Clark of Clark Strategies | team@clarkstrategies.ca | www.clarkstrategies.ca

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