
Make A Lasting Impact

What did I learn today as an entrepreneur?

As business owners we drop the ball. As business owners we make mistakes. As business owners we screw up. As business owners our actions and our lack of actions has an impact. I intentionally put a period there after the word impact. Impact – PERIOD. This will not be a light and fluffy, heart-warming blog. This will be as real as it gets from many angles.

Recently I had a client trust me to do certain tasks for them.  Without a lengthy list of excuses and reasons – I did not get the said tasks done.

In my mind, this has created a Tsunami.  

Tsunami Definition: a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance. It can also be an arrival or occurrence of something in overwhelming quantities or amounts.

As business owners, we hear repeatedly the client is always right, and we need to see things from the client’s perspective.  From the client’s perspective, it is quite possible my name is mud! 

Now, I have not asked how they are feeling about my lack of performance, I have not reached out to take a poll or get the low down on how they are feeling.  I have not asked about their frustration level and or anxiety level centered around their expectations being crushed.  I have not asked.

Instead, I am assuming, and yes, I know what that word breaks down to be.  In my assumptive state I am thinking they will blacklist me; talk to everyone they know about how horrid “I” am.  See what I did there?  How horrid “I” am rather than how horrid my service was!  There is a difference.

See also  Meeting Customer Needs in a Pandemic Era

So now I sit on an unfinished task, not communicating out of fear and waiting for the wave to hit me and leave me gasping for air.  That is what I can articulate on one level.  Yes, there are levels to this thing called business ownership.  Level 1 completed – I am waiting for the wave.

Level 2 is being played out simultaneously.  Level 2 looks something like this!  I go to bed every night knowing I didn’t face the ‘task’ or ‘client’ and thinking tomorrow I WILL!  I will make this as right as I can!  Level 2 includes me waking up every morning carrying the weight of I must get this done and how in the world do I even make this right now??  At this level I find I am equipped with no free hands because they are busy picking up every piece of baggage I can manage to find to carry.  The baggage of “I messed up”, “I failed”, “I disappointed someone”, “why do I do this?”, “who is going to do business with me now?”, “screw it”.

Crazy enough the point of this post is:  Yes, care for your client and how they feel but, dang it, as a business owner be attentive to how you are feeling and handling things for your own mental peace of mind. 

Failure is an event. 
Disappointing one is not disappointing all. 
Feelings change. 
Stop carrying it. 
Come to a place of peace. 
I messed up and own it.  I can’t fix it and own it.  Move forward and OWN THAT forward movement.

Submitted By:

Cheryl Clark of Clark Strategies | team@clarkstrategies.ca | www.clarkstrategies.ca

One Reply to “Make A Lasting Impact”

  1. Excellent article! I totally can relate to this. I had the same thing happen recently. I sat on it ruminating for several days and then called to apologize for my lack of attention. The relationship is different but my side of the street feels ok now. It has been a great learning experience and I’m much more focused on the outcome and to details. Keep writing!

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