
Reasons versus Excuses

What did I learn today as an entrepreneur?

Often, we offer a reason or excuse when something didn’t happen, or is not done.
First, let me start with my perception of the difference by defining each concept as I see it.
Excuse* – to me, this says, it was avoidable, and within our control to change the outcome.
Reason* – to me, this says, it was maybe not avoidable, but still within our control to change the outcome. Let’s look at Reasons versus Excuses.

*Disclaimer: I know and get there are other factors and circumstances where what I am sharing is NOT the case. Those instances are not what I am discussing in this article, but rather those situations where we have control of our decision-making processes involving our business.

Reasons versus Excuses

I want to pause us here and ask: Why is it we don’t spend as much energy on using a reason or excuse when something is successful, completed, or done? Is not the learning moment and evaluation of what led to the successes or accomplishments equally important as the time we invest in justifying why something did not happen or is not done?

When do we find ourselves articulating a reason or excuse?

Do we more often work on coming up with either of these when it comes to feeling the need to offer others one? Are we looking for empathy? Understanding? Justifying?

Do we in our own mind craft one for ourselves to make us feel better about the lack of a result?

I have finally come to the place where I won’t offer, volunteer, or blurb out a reason or excuse when something is not done, unaccomplished, or has not happened. It doesn’t change the fact! It doesn’t alter the outcome!

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Don’t get me wrong – if I am asked, I will share my perception of why something has not gone as planned or has not occurred. Too often, however, I find the sharing of the reason or excuse is nothing more than providing myself or another party with the opportunity to play the ‘blame game’. This game does not, again, alter the outcome but boy how it can feed or deflate one’s ego! What are the differences between the words?

I’d love to hear your thoughts!

I do see the reason as being outside of our control happening, occurrence, and or the moment but that does not mean it has to dictate the outcome. We allow that. I see ‘reasons’ as being a problem and I try my best to live in a world where all problems have solutions. With this thought in mind when the reason appears, even outside of my control, I should be able to pivot around it and regain control to get the outcome I am needing.
Therefore, any reason and or excuse (for the most part) is not acceptable as to why something did not get done or occur.

I have started to phrase things differently. I feel this has been a huge moment in my personal and professional development, to be honest. I am at a place where I say (to myself), “This did not happen, and this is how I see it moving forward.” It takes the pressure from the disappointment and puts the focus on the forward movement. Movement is about finding a solution. That is powerful for both and all parties. Why linger on the “ugh” of what happened, or why it didn’t happen? Don’t we all just want to focus on the forward movement and momentum of how it is now going to take shape and occur?

Reason or excuse? Fact and movement? Let’s state the fact and get to the moving!

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Submitted By:

Cheryl Clark of Clark Strategies | team@clarkstrategies.ca | www.clarkstrategies.ca

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