What happened to the days when people used to talk, laugh, and just be themselves? Is it just me or did the nature of relationships change? Is it the stress of this industrial, and rapidly developing technical world? Or is it a side effect of the pandemic era? Why is the world in turmoil, craving for authenticity?
This trend is even evident in kids. We find them messaging each other while they are in the same house or even in the same room at times. We find them so immersed in their world of tapping screens and totally disconnected from their surroundings. Should we succumb to this new reality of life?
I miss seeing smiles while walking the streets in our neighbourhood. I long to listen to people greeting each other as they crossroads during a jog or a stroll. I want to hear the loud voices of kids playing outside again. Is it the mask that is making us crave authenticity in people or did these difficult days really change us as humans?
Hopefully, I will not get misunderstood. I am not against technology. In fact, I work in that domain! And, I am not against staying safe by wearing a mask and refraining from shaking hands, at a time where illness is real. What I am questioning is the cause behind the damage that was done to our human authenticity. And at the same time, I am wondering if there is still a glimpse of hope for restoration.
I looked up the meaning of Humanity on Google, and that is what I got from Vocabulary Dictionary. “The word humanity is from the Latin humanitas for “human nature, kindness.” Humanity includes all humans, but it can also refer to the kind feelings humans often have for each other.”
An algorithm was programed to define humanity as kindness, at a time when this new world has lost its humanity. How come everywhere we turn we see aggression, devastation, mistreatment, and injustice? How come every time we tune in to watch the news we are faced with a reality that is overtaken by unkindness and inhumanity.
I wonder where to find kindness in inflicting wars and destruction on others. And where to detect kindness in leaving elderly people secluded and isolated during a time where fear and confusion rule? Where is kindness when refugees are scattered across the globe seeking a home and when children spend years with little nutrition and lacking social re-enforcement? All that is topped with misplacement of humans and exploitation of governments and nations. We are living a time where our humanity has been altered to fit the requirements of an era that has robbed humanity of its true meaning. These days, we find that people are not just seeking to find authenticity in others. In fact, they are searching to find out how to restore the humanity they have lost themselves.
World leaders are promising that better days are looming. However, is it too late to restore the brokenness in humanity? These past two years have left people emotionally, psychologically and, in some areas, physically shattered and scattered. Humanity is craving for the authenticity that brings balance to its being. It is longing to love and be loved again. Humanity is aching to exchange kindness and practice genuine acts of a healthy relationship.
Some areas of the world may be able to restore their new lifestyle and regain their new stability standards much easier than others. However, in areas of conflict, people are experiencing mistreatment and injustice day in and day out. They have forgotten what peace means. People have been forced to live one trauma after the other in such rapidity that they do not comprehend the situations they are in anymore. And with that, individuals have lost their judgment on how to deal with their ordeals and distress. I am talking about people that live on the frontline, in countries like Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. I am talking about human beings that were created and made to live kindness, love, and peace.
Will these people ever get to restore their distinct identity? Will they ever be able to mend their brokenness and heal their inner being? Or will they always live a life that is craving for its natural authenticity?
This blog post has also been published on VOCAL

Grace Nasralla is the founder and senior business blogger at BizReflections. She is a Co-Owner at HUDDLESPACE which provides small business owners with offices for rent. This year (2024), Grace launched a loose leaf tea brand and named it Brew & Scone.
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