When leaders and political masterminds of the world give orders to start a war, do they empathize with people? Do they think of individuals as fragile beings that may get broken, destroyed, or killed? Or do they count them in numbers as part of statistics that will determine whether they will win a war or not? How long has the world been ruled by such dogmatic leaders?
It is too sickening to think about people in power today. Where are the days when world leaders lead by example? Leaders then were willing to sacrifice for the public. They served their followers willingly without expecting anything in return. After all, that was the reason they were in public service! Maybe that’s why the world was a more peaceful place for everyone to enjoy and develop, grow and advance.
Dogmatic leaders of today have created extreme ideologies and have made these ideologies rule their nations. They are willing to fight and die for their doctrines; as long as their extreme school of thought gets to rule the world. They made the world a sphere of extreme dogmas that kill and destroy in order to grow, and demolish other extreme beliefs. All that is being done at the expense of ordinary people whose dream is just to live in peace and lead daily normal lives.
It is so sad to watch people destroy people. It’s so pitiful to witness times when earth’s inhabitants have become so power-thirsty. So filled with hatred for each other and for the earth they live on. It’s so painful to watch the world destroy itself.
Would there be an end to this political greed before it ends the world? Is it too late for change? Can current leaders still make the paradigm shift, or has it become too late to restore humanity in people?

Grace Nasralla is the founder and senior business blogger at BizReflections. She is a Co-Owner at HUDDLESPACE which provides small business owners with offices for rent. This year (2024), Grace launched a loose leaf tea brand and named it Brew & Scone.