
How Dark Is The Dark Web?

The dark web probably isn’t something you’re thinking about while checking your inbox in the morning. Most of us will only ever access a fraction of the surface-level web content our browsers show us. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be aware of the dark web and its role in data theft.

In this article, we are going to demystify the dark web.  We’ll be exploring what the dark web is and what you can do to keep your data safe from bad actors within this hidden part of the web.

What is the dark web?

Imagine mapping out a city. On the surface, you would have a widely available street map that could get you to most public places. However, the city also consists of private buildings, service tunnels, sewers, and routes that aren’t readily accessible. The deeper layers of the web are essentially like these restricted areas.

The dark web is a large but hidden part of the web. It is accessible by using a special browser and other tools. It and the deep web make up most of the web’s content, even though they are not nearly as accessible as what we see every day.

Are the dark web and deep web separate entities?

The deep web is simply the part of the web that isn’t accessible through regular browsers. The deep web consists mostly of private networks. The dark web exists within the deep web and has a broader user base.

Why do people use the dark web?

The dark web offers its users anonymity. Anybody looking to communicate without surveillance can use the dark web. This user base can span from people exploring socially taboo subjects to those dealing in illegal activities.

Dark web users aren’t all up to the illegal or unethical activity. However, the dark web is a significant facilitator of identity theft. Credit card numbers, user credentials, and a plethora of other sensitive information are traded on the dark web every day. This poses a serious security concern for everyday web users and organizations alike.

How can they get my information?

We live in a digital age. Chances are, you’ve provided some personal information to an e-commerce site, social networking site, or a credit reporting agency at some point.

Your workplace is no different. Chances are that employees will provide some of their sensitive information to third parties your organization deals with. Your organization also has a significant amount of its own sensitive data it needs to protect.

Third-party companies can become tempting targets for security breaches. These breaches can result in large amounts of sensitive data being stolen.

Even if you deactivate your accounts or leave a job, the data you leave behind can be compromised. Proactively securing your personal information is the best way to protect against these threats.

Where does the dark web come in?

While hackers can be recruited on the dark web, your biggest concern is on the other end of the process. As we’ve discussed, the dark web is an ideal platform for illicit transactions. If your data is going to be sold, it will likely be done on the dark web.

Is there anything I can do?

Aside from following cybersecurity best practices, there are services like Dark Web ID and Norton LifeLock. These services scan the dark web for your personal information and notify you if you’ve been compromised. From here, you can take steps to protect yourself, depending on what was stolen.

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Submitted By:

Jonathan Bullock of BlockIT, an Ontario, Canada-based company that offers Managed IT Services and Cyber Security Consulting | www.brock-it.ca | 613.499.9960 or 1.833.BROCK.IT | sales@brock-it.ca.

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