

Inspirational Quotes

“Productivity is never an accident, it is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort”   Paul J. Meyer

Increasing Productivity

We only have a limited number of “productive” hours in a day. Making the most of these productive hours is key to success in any arena -and also a key to work/life balance, which we all strive for! Increasing your productivity is about getting deliberate about how you use your time! Here are a few tips that will help you increase your productivity: Assign how much time you are going to spend on each task and then track it and be sure to limit it. Even if you do not accomplish the task in that time – stop and move to the next. This will keep you on track and also make you use your time more efficiently. Take regular breaks! We seem to buy into the mentality that if we push on through we will just get it done and then it will be done – truth is that we are more likely to burn out, feel demotivated and stay stuck!! So make sure to schedule your breaks and take them and come back to the task at hand refreshed!! STOP multi-tasking!! While some think this is a strength and a productive way to work, it is actually counter-productive! It diversifies your attention from a task and so it ends up causing a loss of time and reduced productivity overall.

submitted by:

Tahira Bharmal, Success Coach at Authentic Factor. For more information please visit www.authenticfactor.com or email tahira@authenticfactor.com

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