
Save Time And Money By Paying Your Taxes Online

Content provided by TELUS Financial Solutions:

Do you pay corporate taxes in Canada? Paying taxes can be a lot easier. No Cheques, No Forms, No Stamps.

Are you aware of all the ways digital tools can help solve your professional challenges? The transfer to Shift 2.0 is inevitable, so take advantage of the services that could help you save both time & money.

Let’s start with online tax payments. In addition to saving you a trip to the bank, the cost of a stamp and the time it takes to write a cheque, paying online will allow you to set up automated payments and monitor your finances closely and accurately.

According to a survey conducted by PMG in 2018, small and medium size businesses (SMBs) already paying taxes online were unanimous: it’s far easier, faster and more efficient than the traditional paper way. Still though, a third of SMBs are holding off. Their main concerns are the security of their transactions, the belief that it’s difficult, and the fact that they thought they lacked the necessary equipment.  

It’s worth dismantling these beliefs, because payments requiring two signatures can very easily be done online, online transactions are highly secure and nothing more is required beyond access to a computer with Internet access.

The Canada Revenue Agency can redirect you to the relevant pages of the various financial institutions that offer this service.

You could save time & money by paying your taxes online. Start experiencing the benefits of business tax filing & payments through your Canadian Financial Institution’s online banking today.

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For a  list of supported Canadian Financial Institutions go to payyourtaxesonline.ca.

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